Here is the place where we show you what AFSCME Council 2 does to scare, intimidate and harass their members if they don’t “get in line”. We share these documents so you can see an inside look at the abusive and bullying behavior that is present in this organization. For the most part, these are direct lies. Instead of telling members why you should stay with them, they focus on spreading lies and misinformation about the opposition. AFSCME states they have no jurisdiction over their national Council affiliates to stop this behavior. In fact, AFSCME International is an active participant in this behavior as well.
A Sampling of The “Memos”
Jan 2 2020 Guild Petition Withdrawn! <–really? Get your facts straight and stop lying to members
Jan 2020 Chicken or the Egg?
March 2020 Vote for C2! <—this one is a favorite. Dugovich really earns his $400k per year, doesn’t he?
March 2020 Covid-19 <—from Walter Blair, the purported Administrator of Local 114. Council 2 has never went to bat for us regarding safety but now they are all over it because we are threatening to leave. Try again.
April 2020 Council 2 pits members against members
May 2020 Dugovich, President of Council 2, encourages Union Members to “opt out”
The “Audit” documents can be found here
“Scary” Letter from Lee Saunders, International President to our Employer. If AFSCME places your bargaining unit into “Administratorship” which they likely will, your employer will probably immediately cower like ours did and accept this letter at face value. Of course, PERC has not certified AFSCME International as our exclusive bargaining representative. We are not chattel property, we are public employees who have rights in the State of Washington.
By law, your Employer may not give preference to any exclusive bargaining representative. Of course, after many years of working together, sometimes both your employer and Council 2 can get pretty cozy so expect the unexpected. The Guild will be ready to react and hold both parties accountable if they act outside the scope of the law.
Our employer illegally threatened to take away a medical benefit package and withhold a medical benefit package from other bargaining units in our City when we first filed our petition in October 2019. The Guild filed an Unfair Labor Practice against the Employer & Council 2 for this and Interference reasons for the protection of members city-wide. ULP 132232 & ULP 132203
We did end up mediating these with PERC and withdrew the ULP against Council 2 in exchange for an actual agreed-upon voting date for the election petition we filed on Jan 5, 2020. And you know the rest of the story. Won & Done! Let us help you break free! Sign your card today!