Council 2, the Washington State affiliate of AFSCME, placed us under audit on April 12, 2019 and gave us two business days to comply in their original demand.
Audit Demand
Preliminary Findings
Current Status: No final audit results have been provided to Local 114 so no appeal has been filed. The preliminary “facts” which are biased and incorrect have been used as “evidence” to place us under Administratorship. Council 2 alleges that certain officers of Local 114 have misspent $43,000 plus $12,000 plus $3000. They give no rationale for why only some officers have been charged and not others and why only a certain time period has been chosen. Of course, we can guess as to the answer. Only dissenters who want to hold Council 2 accountable for their actions have been charged and no one else, including accusers Karen Powers and Morgan Libby who work in the Police Records unit and are past President and Treasurer.