Our Union (as it currently is named) has been placed under Administratorship by the International as of 10/16/2019. That’s a fancy way of saying that enough of us have threatened to secede from the group (aka petitioned for someone else to take over representation of our Union).
The fact that AFSCME International has stepped in means that we don’t have to deal with Council 2. You can read all about the process on the main AFSCME website. We are not surprised by this. We expected it and were fully prepared for it.
We have turned over the Union-managed email account, website, etc to the Administrator as directed. The only exception is the c2case.org site which we will turn that over ASAP. We have made all our existing records available to the Administrator. They are arranging to pick them up when it works for them.
If you email the union gmail account or receive an email, understand that you are not communicating with your elected leaders, you are communicating with the Administrator. More soon!