The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

by the members for the members

Petition Filed

As you know, the Guild filed a petition with the State to represent our bargaining unit a week ago. PERC is now verifying that we submitted the 30% signatures that were necessary. Note: we obtained the required signatures in less than 36 hours and EVERY single department participated.

Contrary to information you may be receiving, we are ABSOLUTELY NOT trying to decertify and any member who is telling you that is uninformed.

Your organizers absolutely believe wholeheartedly in labor, democracy and in the ability to freely choose who our representative is.

For those who are curious about the timing of this effort, PERC sets the rules regarding that. There is a very small window in which to file a petition such as this. To read more about it, please see

Thank you to all for your support. For those of you reading this who would like to obtain true information, we would love to speak with you in person. Please contact us to find a time where we can sit down together.