Friday Harbor employees vote to oust AFSCME Council 2 – will join the Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees as Local 1909
Executive Board Offers to Help
Last summer the Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees, Local 1937 was approached by our union friends in Friday Harbor asking for help in leaving AFSCME Council 2 and forming their own union. They were having the same problems with AFSCME that we had—poor representation, no financial accountability, and a feeling that AFSCME cared more about their dues than them.
Our executive board heard their familiar story and decided to help. After all, Town employees helped us by making a generous donation to support our bargaining unit’s federal lawsuit against AFSCME and now it was our turn to support them.
A Bitter Struggle Ensued as Voting Commenced
We helped Town employees file for an election in October 2021 and AFSCME immediately attacked. They filed frivolous and meritless charges with the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) making accusations of interference and unfair election practices. They pressured union leaders and Union officials arrived on the island en masse to go from door-to-door trying to convince Town employees to stay with them. They even convinced PERC to impound the ballots as they tried to prove all of their ridiculous and nonsensical accusations. None of these tactics worked.
All Charges Dismissed and…. a Unanimous Vote for the Guild
After hearing evidence and testimony, the PERC hearing examiner dismissed all of the charges—but AFSCME then appealed to the Governor’s appointed Commissioners. The Commissioners voted to support the dismissal and ordered the impounded ballots opened and counted. The result? Not one of the Town’s employees voted for AFSCME Council 2. This comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone.
Quick Success at the Bargaining table
Within a week after the ballots were counted, Town employees formed Local 1909 (1909 was the year the Town was founded), elected officers, and appointed a bargaining team. By the end of August, the group had a new contract—5.5% retroactive for 2022 and a $5,000 “Retention Payment” for all employees to be paid before Christmas 2022.
Chuck Berry, President of Local 1909 said, ”The employees of Friday Harbor are grateful to the Local 1937 Executive Board and all the members of Local 1937 for supporting them. It’s the best contract we’ve had in memory and we could not have done it without you. We are looking forward to getting to know you better and sharing resources with you to make us both stronger. Thank you Bellingham.”
If your contract is expiring at the end of 2022, your window to seek new representation is the month of October. You do have a choice on who represents you. Of course, Council 2 would like you to believe otherwise and will do and say anything to keep your dues money flowing into their coffers. If you are not receiving the services you deserve and are paying for, reach out to us for more information on what you can do about it. Your window period is short so do not delay. Email us at pnweguild@gmail.com. If you are not certified as a bargaining unit yet and would like more information on how to become part of an independent Guild, please reach out.