The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

by the members for the members

Monday is coming!

Monday the 16th is the first day of voting. Please take a moment now to locate the ballot you received in the US mail. It has your unique PIN number on it which you will need in order to cast your vote. You can see a sample ballot below. If you cannot find your ballot or did not receive one, there is a 1-800 number listed on the sample ballot instructions
We will not be holding our meeting tonight after all as we do not want to trade germs with anyone. Please do take the warnings and recommendations seriously to protect yourself and your family.
Please, cast your vote for Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees! This is an exciting time for our bargaining unit and we can’t wait to get a fresh start and focus on what’s important for our Bellingham members. Thank you everyone for helping us spread the word to all bargaining unit members. Your help is key to getting a great turn out for this electronic vote.