Expect a visit to your home by AFSCME and Council 2 representatives. Many of our members were inconvenienced this weekend by knocks on their doors by people who are being paid (with your union dues) to try and convince you to stay with Council 2. We expect these visits to continue. This is a desperate move by AFSCME to intrude on your privacy, isolate you and feed you their line of propaganda, lies and misinformation. We advise you to tell them what you would tell any other door-to-door salesperson.
What they won’t do is answer any of the financial questions our Local or individual members have asked. Click here, here and here to see some of the questions we have asked.
We can assure you that no AFSCME door-knocker will have any clue on how to answer your questions and even if they know the answers, they won’t give them to you.
Bottom line, we are here for our members in Bellingham and NOTHING will deter us from the goal of getting reliable and competent representation for you. We have been lied about, lied to, our inboxes (and probably yours) are full of inaccurate emails and flat out mistruths. Our organizing committee has made the choice not to respond to these emails. If you have questions, please let us know. We love questions and will answer them truthfully and without hesitation.