The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

by the members for the members

Happy Anniversary!

Today is the one-year anniversary of The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees! Exactly one year ago today we were certified as the exclusive bargaining representative of Bellingham Local 1937.

We have been busy this past year. We have shared experiences and advice with many public employee groups. We’ve bargained our first contract and helped our members navigate the strange and unfamiliar working conditions associated with Covid-19. We’ve fearlessly and successfully engaged with our employer, adversaries, and friends in labor from all over the state.

We’ve worked to restore confidence in the labor movement here in Bellingham with our close to 400 members. We’ve reduced dues and increased services. We’ve restored benefits like a self-funded Life Insurance program and a retirement gift policy. We’ve established a Strike fund.

All of this is possible with the engagement and help of our member-driven bargaining unit. We are a group that is truly “by the members and for the members.” Please email us at if you have questions or want more information.