The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

by the members for the members

Election Update

The number of members signing cards supporting the guild is now over 70%. That’s a ton of employees who want new representation for our Union and a fresh start. This sends a strong message that momentum for positive change is strong and growing stronger.

We are making progress toward scheduling an election, which will be supervised by the neutral Washington State agency, Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC). We have been assigned a PERC officer, who is currently reviewing the accuracy of voter lists and making sure that all documents are in order.

PERC has set a deadline of Monday, November 4, 2019 for all parties to respond to PERCs request for evidence of compliance and confirmation of the voter list. We expect PERC to set an election date for mid-November. The vote will likely be done by mail. We will continue to keep you informed as PERC officials perform their due diligence.

November 7, 2019
Jalapenos (Barkley Village)
Come enjoy some appetizers on us (there will be a cash bar). There will be presentations at 4:30pm and 5:30pm so feel free to come to whichever one works for you. Or, just stop by to socialize and ask questions. With so many employees and schedules it is challenging to pick a day and time that will work for everyone. If you and your workgroup would like to have their own presentation, please reach out to us at and we will set one up just for you.

As you know, all negotiations between our bargaining unit and the city were “frozen” under PERC’s legal order called a “Status Quo Order”. This order will be lifted after the election, and bargaining will resume where it left off.

If all goes well for the Guild election, we expect to be back to the bargaining table right away. We expect that changes to our Medical Plan choices will occur BEFORE our contract expires on December 31, 2019.

Unfortunately, the City and Council 2 ignored the Status Quo Order issued by PERC and continued bargaining by exchanging proposals– and included our bargaining unit in their demands for a vote while the Status Quo Order is in effect. This action is a flagrant violation of strict PERC Orders and Washington State laws mandating fair elections for employees.

Because this is such a serious violation of Washington State’s labor laws, our Guild, in consultation with our attorneys, filed an Unfair Labor Practice Complaint against the city on your behalf. We are requesting that PERC issue a “Cease and Desist Order” compelling the City to obey the RCWs, obey the Status Quo Order, stop bargaining with Council 2, stop imposing impossible deadlines, stop interfering in the election, and honor its duty to bargain in good faith with the winner of the election.

Now that AFSCME faces the loss of 378 members (and your monthly dues), they will say anything to make us stay. The International Union has silenced Council 2. That’s why you haven’t heard anything from them lately. Now the International Union has stepped in but they are too late. Sadly, we need to be prepared to expect the following:

  • More Personal Attacks: The petty, hurtful and false personal attacks continue against our local leaders and supporters. Accusing them of everything from financial mismanagement and fraud. Really?
  • More Scare Tactics: We’ve already seen these and we will see more. “You’ll lose your contract, you will lose your benefits, your medical plan options will disappear.”
  • More False and Misleading Information

AFSCME will say, “We aren’t hiding the information you requested, you just haven’t asked for it the right way. You wasted your money suing us.” And our favorite: “There is a process, you just aren’t following it.” And “resolving problems with a Council takes time.” Newsflash: We are tired of waiting! If you’ve been following events, you’ll know that Local 114 has worked tirelessly over the past year or more to bring the problems we have been having with representation to light with both Council 2 and the International. OUR CONCERNS HAVE BEEN IGNORED.

Expect phone calls, emails and even a personal visit from paid AFSCME International staffers at your home or workplace. Hopefully, will all be behind us soon. Every single officer, executive board member and steward (except for Karen Powers) supports this move wholeheartedly. The Guild is what is best for our members here in Bellingham.

When Council 2 threatened to abandon us and the International Union did nothing about it (and is still doing nothing about it), that was the nail in the coffin for many of us. We are excited about this new opportunity and what the future holds.

Remember! Vote for the Guild!

For more information please call Dean Tharp, our Guild of PNWE Organizer