The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

The Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees

by the members for the members

Council 2 President says Opt Out?

As we all are painfully aware, Council 2 continues the attack on our membership even after the Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees has been certified as the exclusive representative of Bellingham non-uniformed employees. Over the last year, we have specifically not reacted to all of his memos that have been full of inaccuracies, mistruths and flat out lies. However, his latest memo that was emailed to city of Bellingham employees crosses the line. While he has in the past accused us of working with the Freedom Foundation (not true) this latest letter begs the question: is he? Read it for yourself by clicking here.

We sent his memo to AFSCME International President Lee Saunders. Click here to see his reaction. To date, Dugovich has not retracted his memo.  We have urged President Dugovich to spend his time working on his own house to attempt to improve the organization so that he can keep the groups he still has. Apparently President Saunders agrees with us.

As public employees, we know how important it is to stick together and how well that has served us since 1937 here in Bellingham. If you have not signed a card yet, please let us know so we can get one over to you. Our first convention is coming up and will be notifying dues-paying members of that date along with a link to participate in the online program. This is a critically important meeting as officers will be elected and other important business will be conducted. Don’t miss out! Sign your card today!