Both Parties Agree On How To Move Forward
Representatives from the Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees, Lawyers from AFSCME, and mediators from the Washington State Public Employees Relations Commission came to an agreement today on how best to end this dispute and move forward with an election. The election period will begin March 16, 2020.
Compromise Reached
This involved serious consideration of the issues, give-and-take on both sides, and a strong interest on our part, the Guild, to respect the need for all of us to get an election as soon as possible. PERC representatives worked diligently to strive for a solution that respected all sides. It wasn’t easy.
Will Mature Heads Prevail?
In exchange for AFSCME Council 2 agreeing to drop all of its charges against the Guild, the Guild agreed to a “cooling off” period of 69 days, in the hope that the personal attacks, misrepresentations, spin, exaggerations, and annoying home “invasions“ will tone down.
Will Council 2 Respect This?
Chris Dugovich was strangely absent at this settlement meeting, but we challenge him to act as a gentleman and respect our dissenting views. After all, this is about you, public employees, exercising your lawful right to choose your own representative.
Let’s Have a Debate
We challenge Chris Dugovich to engage in a campaign based on facts. We invite Chris Dugovich to come to BELLINGHAM to debate the issues. Let’s talk about effective representation; open, honest fiscal accountability; real experience and facts. Give us the answers to the questions we are asking, the rationale for your decisions, and why this is good for the working people of BELLINGHAM.